Sunday, December 10, 2006

Working On Ourselves

It isn't our business to live anybody's life, or to die anybody's death, except our own. Not to save anybody's soul, nor to put anybody in the right;... but to be still, and to ignore the false fine frenzy of the seething world. To turn away, now, each one into the stillness and solitude of his own soul. - D.H. Lawrence

I am constantly asked why I do not take up healing work and confine myself to teaching. It is because I firmly believe that each of us should take on the responsibilty for our own healing and spiritual growth. While we can depend on masters and teachers to show us the way we cannot expect them to do our work for us. When we are shown the way it is upto us to follow the path and fight our demons and move towards the light. No one else can do it for us, no matter how many healing sessions we go to! It's hard work, no doubht, because when we think we've conquered a demon, it pops up it's head again when we're least expecting it! This where Reiki and other holistic healing systems and meditation come into play. There has to be a combination of awareness and the use of these tools. We need to know and recognise the demons we are fighting and also have the focus and determination to rid ourselves of them. When we meditate we automatically clear ourselves of negativity and also shrink the demons. :) This is motivation enough to continue down the path till we see that we and the world are ONE or BRAHMAN .
To read more about Brahman do go thru the Upanishads. I am adding a link.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reiki For Your Intentions,Goals And Desires.

This outward spring and garden are a reflection of the inward garden.
Mevlana Rumi

What Rumi means is; whatever goes on inside you is reflected in your external circumstances. When our emotions and thoughts are unsullied and clear; when we are not in turmoil; when right thought and right action prevail ; our external circumstances match that inner gloriousness. When we live with a feeling of abundance and joy, abundance and joy come into our lives. This is where 'Attitude Of Gratitude' comes in! The universe gives us more to be grateful about! There's more about this in the section on the FIVE REIKI PRINCIPLES.

Having said that, Reiki is often used to energise and manifest goals and desires. There are specific techniques taught in a Level Two class that deal with this. But, of course, the small print says that our goals and desires manifest ONLY if they are what we need and deserve at this point and ONLY if they do not interfere with the larger good of everybody and everything else; which makes huge sense!

To give Reiki to your Goals and Desires, write them down on strips of paper, fold them and draw the Symbols on the back. Give Reiki to these for about five to ten minutes a day. Have a box in which you can keep these slips and Reiki the whole box for about ten minutes a day!

Use a clear quartz crystal and after cleansing and energising it with Reiki and the Symbols, programme it to send energy to the intention. You can keep the slip of paper underneath it!


While these tools are specific to Level Two I always encourage my Level One students to do this without the symbols. Reiki is from the highest source and so there's no reason to assume that it will not work without the symbols.

Another thing to watch out for with desires and goals is not to cling to them. The best way to block a desire from manifesting is to think about it 24/7 and imagine that your happiness depends on it. Never going to happen.

Take a tip from the new James Bond.He says he doesn't care if his martini is shaken or stirred! He doesn't even care if it isn't a martini! Now that's non clinging for you. :)

But have fun with the intentions! Just remember though; true joy has nothing to do with anything external.

Friday, November 24, 2006



Avalokiteshwara is the Buddha of Compassion.

'Karuna,' in Sanskrit, means Compassion. Karuna Reiki is a system of Reiki that was created by Reiki Master William Rand as a result of his extensive work and research with healing methods. During his many years of practice he came across various systems and symbols that were being used by healers. He studied the systems and worked with the energy levels of the different healing symbols and incorporated the ones he found to have the best energy and formulated an attunement process by which one could access these symbols and use them in healing. He called the new system Karuna Reiki. The method of healing is the same as in Usui Reiki with the additional use of Karuna Reiki symbols.

In his own words ‘I did not originally intend to create a new system of Reiki, but starting about 1989, I began being given non-Usui Reiki symbols and attunement techniques which were claimed to have benefit. I filed these symbols away along with the attunement processes that were included with some of them and also began experimenting with some of them. After a number of years, I had quite a collection and many of my students began asking me about these "additional symbols" and wanting to know if they should use them. In the winter of 1993, I gathered together a number of my best students, many of whom were spiritually sensitive, to experiment with the additional symbols, try them out and decide which were the most useful. We asked for guidance and through this process came up with a set of symbols that seemed to have the best energy. We also experimented with an attunement process to go with them. Later I was guided in the further development of the attunement process and this eventually evolved into a new system of Reiki. Throughout the process, I prayed for help from the Higher Power and asked that I be connected to a healing energy that would be of greater benefit. I did not channel any of these symbols myself. They came from other Reiki masters. In 1995, I was guided to more clearly define the system and to name it Karuna Reiki® which can be defined as the Reiki of Compassion. While some of the symbols in Karuna Reiki® are the same as those used by other schools and systems, because the attunements are different and the intention is different, the energies that are connected to Karuna Reiki® are unique to the system

‘Karuna’ is an important concept in most spiritual systems. Buddhism considers it a prerequisite for Satori or Enlightenment. ‘Karuna’ is compassion and as we develop it we find ourselves more in tune with the universe. Healing comes naturally. We see oneness in all of creation.

Karuna Reiki is not a substitute for traditional Reiki. In fact it is taught only to level two practioners of Usui Reiki and the Karuna Reiki mastership is given only to Usui Reiki masters.

There is a definite difference to the feel of both the energies. Karuna feels softer and more enveloping but the healing is deeper with a combination of both systems. There is a faster and more concrete spiritual growth which I think is the ultimate purpose of any holistic healing system.

There is also more self growth as energy blocks surface and clamour for attention! As we deal with these and clear them off with healing we experience many changes in ourselves and life situations. We are forced to look more deeply at issues that are causing stagnation in our development and work more diligently at cleansing and healing with faster and more concrete results. Working with issues of self growth is not always comfortable but with Karuna Reiki we are able to look at ourselves with compassion and see clearly what we need to clear off and what to bring into our lives. By incorporating Karuna Reiki with Traditional or Usui Reiki we are that much more empowered. And I think that right now we need all the help we can get!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


This is an alter I have at home. I light a candle in front of the Buddha intending that the entire house be filled with positive energy.The candle holder is a Himalayan Rock salt crystal. More on the benefits of these crystals at
.There's a Tibetan singing bowl on it. (on your right) It produces a healing sound when it is played; that is also energising for the chakras. So does the Tibetan hand bell.(on your left)

For more on Tibetan Singing Bowls go to-

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mandala Meditation

Mandalas are a representation of the cosmic creation in a geometric form. The word literally means cosmos. Used in Tibetan Buddhism it is related to the Yantras of Hinduism.

Mandalas are used for meditation to induce stillness of the mind. The focus should be from the outer to the inner concentrating on the centre.The way to meditate is to gaze at the mandala with your eyes relaxed.

This is mandala that I painted, just to give you an idea.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Visual Meditation


Temple bells die out.The fragrant blossoms remain.A perfect evening!
Haiku by Matsuo Bassho.

Such a wonderful image painted with words. Perfect to meditate upon. Bring the picture alive in your mind and exclude all else!

Why Meditate?
Nan-in, a Zen master, was approached by a learned professor who wanted to know what Zen was all about and why anyone should adopt Zen. The master asked one of his disciples to bring tea for the guest. He poured the tea into the cup and kept on pouring till the tea overflowed and the puzzled professor pointed out to him that there was no more place in the cup for it to hold any more tea. Nan-in told him that his mind was like the cup; overfull with notions and ideas and conditioning and unless he first emptied it of all that was already in it there was no use trying to understand what Zen was! "Empty your mind of all it's conditionings first", he said.

One way of emptying your mind is to meditate. There are so many different forms : all you need to do is find one that you are comfortable with and 'empty your cup of tea' :)

And it's never too early to start!!!

For the wanderer whose destination is enlightenment.

"Being neither teacher nor guru, and since from the first not a thing is ,the most one can do is to offer a glimpse or help point the way. In the end it resides in you"

The Wanderling

Do wander into his labyrinth of a website if you are interested in Zen ,Advaitha or any kind of path to enlightenment. I say this knowing that you might never wander back here!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Power Places

I had a class for two interesting young men a couple of days ago. They were both from different cultures, countries and back grounds but amazingly there were so many aspects that bound them. Really heart warming to see that we aren't all that different after all. There's still hope,people!
During the class we were discussing 'power places'. Places that exist on our planet ( probably all over the universe; Mars probably has a couple of craters that are more comfortable than others. But I'm being facetious!) where there is a lot of positive, vibrant energy. In earlier ages, when people built temples or other such structures of sanctity and worship they would check to see if the place was a 'power place' They made sure the vibrations were positive and strong. This was true of every ancient culture, be it The Egyptians with their Pyramids, Hindus with their temples , Mosques dotted all over the ancient Arab cultures, the Celtic Druids with their Stonehenge, Shamans with their sacred spaces, Machu Pichu in Peru; I could go on and on.
Sadly the practice of studying the energies of a place before building a spiritual centre seems to have died out; happily we now seem to seeing something of a revival. Vaasthu Shastra (Vaastu- physical environment and Shastra- knowledge/ text/ principles) is now making a big comeback in India. Science explains Power Places with magnetic energy fields. Beyond the scope of this little article; do look it up if you're interested.


You can make your own sacred space with Reiki and a few other aids. Find a comfortable place in your home or garden where , generally, you will be able to spend time alone, or be able to sit meditatively with 'like minded' people. Sit quietly till you feel calm and relaxed. You can now do your Chakra meditation or any other meditation. Connect to Reiki and ask for the space to be filled with positive energy, ask for peace, harmony and beauty to fill the space. Allow Reiki to flow as long as you sit there. Do this for a few days and over a period of time you would have created a power place to enhance the effects of your meditation and Reiki. You can also energise your power place further by lighting incense or candles. Placing an alter or crystals in the space will also enhance the energy and give it a sense of sanctity.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Aspects Of The Chakras
Root Chakra

Location: Between our legs facing downwards.

Colour: Red

Indian name: Muladhara

Gland governed: Adrenal. Deals with the excretory system and also blood distribution. It has a dominating influence on body temperature.

Mental-emotional aspect: It is our rooting chakra. Gives us the will to live life enthusiastically.

Malfunctioning results in: Lack of enthusiasm and stamina. Life is viewed as a burden. Over functioning often results in aggression, violence and a need to dominate.

Sacral Chakra

Location: Two inches below the navel.

Colour: Orange

Indian name: Swadhishta
Gland governed: Gonads. Deals with reproductive system and its organs

Mental-emotional aspect: Balances the yin and yang, i.e., the masculine and feminine aspects present in everyone. Our relationship with other people and our sense of self is also controlled by this chakra.

Creative expression of being is dealt with by the sacral chakra.

Malfunctioning results in: Unfulfilling relationships, uncertainty, lack of confidence and emotional paralysis.

Solar plexus

Location: Upper part of the abdomen.

Colour: Yellow.

Indian name: Manipura

Gland governed: Pancreas. Controls digestive system. Associated with lower back. Plays an important role in the digestion of food. The pancreas secretes insulin, which regulates the amount of blood sugar in the body. So this is an important chakra for diabetics.

Mental-emotional aspect: This chakra plays an important role in the formation of our personality. It is also our mood center. When the chakra is open we feel joy and inner richness but a blocked solar plexus results in gloom and depression. This acts as our shock absorber where trauma shocks are absorbed so that we do not collapse.
Malfunctioning results in: A desire to manipulate and control. Frequent mood swings occur resulting in an unstable personality

Heart Chakra

Location: Centre of the chest

Colour: Green

Indian name: Anahata

Gland governed: Thymus. Organs – heart, lower areas of the lungs. Regulates circulation. Also strengthens the immune system.
Mental-emotional aspect: Unconditional love, emotional warmth and sincerity, generosity. A very important chakra, this is at the center of the chakra system. Once this chakra is open its helps in the healthy functioning of the other chakras.

Malfunctioning results in: A desire to manipulate and control. Frequent mood swings occur resulting in an unstable personality.

Throat Chakra

Location: The throat.

Colour: Light blue

Indian name: Vishuddha

Gland governed: Thyroid. Governs the neck, throat, ears, trachea, bronchial tubes, upper lungs and esophagus.

Mental-emotional aspect: Communication and creative expression. An open throat chakra helps us to effectively communicate our inner-most thoughts and feelings without fear. Creativity is also an aspect of this chakra. Outward expression of this creativity requires an open throat chakra.

Malfunctioning results in: Inability to express oneself. Fear of and dependence on the opinions of others resulting in withdrawal into oneself.

Third Eye or Forehead Chakra

Location: Centre of the forehead

Colour: Indigo

Indian name: Ajna

Gland governed: Pituitary. The left eye, nose, ears, sinuses, cerebellum and the central nervous system, all come under this gland. .

Mental-emotional aspect: It is our intuition centre. An open third eye chakra results in a composed mind. Advanced intellectual skills when this chakra is healthy.

Malfunctioning results in: An over dependence on rationality and the intellect and a lack of spirituality. There is a rejection of everything that cannot be proven scientifically. A considerably large block in this chakra causes a low intellect and a confused mind. The person will be overly materialistic.

Crown Chakra

Location: Top of the head

Colour: Violet

Indian name: Sahasrara

Gland governed: Pineal. Affects the upper brain and right eye.

Mental-emotional aspect: Spirituality. A sense of unity with the divine. The consciousness is completely calm and open.

Malfunctioning results in: A feeling of separation and a feeling of being abandoned. An uncertainty and lack of purpose ensues. Such people could become hyper active since they feel they have to justify their existence.

Chakra Meditation With Reiki

Chakra Meditation With Reiki

Energising the Chakras ensures holistic health. All aspects of our being are governed by the Chakras so when they are cleansed and energised we become more balanced and whole.

Chakra meditation can be done by Reiki practioners with the inclusion of Reiki , for others as a breathing excercise.

You can either sit or lie down comfortably,connect to Reiki, and start breathing deeply.

As you breathe in visualise the breath going to the Crown Chakra first. You can visualise the breath in the colour of the Crown Chakra, which is violet. As you breathe in visualise the breath coming out through the Chakra and cleansing it. Then breathe out. Breathe into and out of each Chakra at least ten times.

After you finish with all the seven Chakras, ending with the Root Chakra, you will feel completely rooted and energised. This can also be done for individual Chakras, for example, if you are feeling disconnected or physically drained, do the meditation for only the Root Chakra. Or if you feel you need more spirituality in your life concentrate on the Crown. Be guided by the aspects of the chakras.

Five Reiki Principles

The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind

Dr Mikao Usui-The founder of the Reiki system of alternate healing.

To maximize the benefits of Reiki and ensure that Reiki practitioners live life responsibly and joyfully, Dr, Usui formulated the five Reiki principles.
They have been simplified into the present form.


While it is true that Reiki is a healing energy it is a fact that healing is faster and more effective when we focus our attention on issues in ourselves that are causing imbalance in our lives. It is easy to leave all the work to the healing system and keep living in the mindless way that we always do, expecting the energy to do all the work. While healing takes place there are several challenges that come up and claim our attention. These have to be dealt with and cleared off before each aspect of ourselves is healed. And it all makes so much more sense and is so deeply satisfying when we scrutinize ourselves and work with Reiki in the healing. We begin to understand ourselves so much better. It brings about a compassion towards ourselves that is so necessary for deep and lasting healing to take place. It is when we take responsibility for our thoughts , emotions and actions that we gain control of our lives. We also become much better channels for the healing energy to flow through.
It is to ensure that all beings take mindful responsibility for themselves and to ensure a good flow of Reiki that Dr Usui formulated the Five Reiki Principles, which are now an essential part of the Reiki system.
Principles and guidelines are a part of many holistic healing systems. Maharshi Pathanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga system emphasizes a code of conduct for all yogis.
They are the first ‘limb’ or ‘anga’ of the eight limbed or ‘Ashtanga’ Yoga. Referred to as ‘Yama’ and ‘Niyama’ they are similar to the Usui Principles.

While it seems a little ridiculous to ask mature adults to follow what seems like lesson one in a grade two moral science class there is more to it than meets the eye. For one, often, all it takes to turn our lives around are a few little tweaks and adjustments. For another, though the principles seem familiar enough they are invariably forgotten and fall somewhere by the wayside by the time we reach a stage where we really need them. In today’s world, where people are turning to self help books and life strategists to make some sense of it all, Dr Usui’s simple guidelines are almost all that is really necessary to get the sanity back into our lives.
Attitude is what makes the difference between a successful person and a not so successful one. And the success that matters is the one which enables us to live in a state of harmony and equanimity no matter what the external circumstances.
You would have heard it repeated ad nauseam that happiness is a state of mind and let me reconfirm it for you. It is! Lasting joy comes from within and has nothing to do with what you have or what you achieve.

Though they may seem simple enough it only requires a little thought to realize that it is not so easy to incorporate these guidelines in your life. We might make up our minds not to lose our tempers but in the first quarter of the day there might be as many as five incidents which push us over the edge. But a conscious effort will ensure that we watch ourselves and the knowledge that we harm ourselves more than anything else will ensure more care. Anger does a lot of damage to the energy body and weakens it. As does worry. One way to stop worrying is to have faith, in God or the Universe. To know that there is no punishing entity out there waiting to make things difficult for us. All the troubles we face are natural consequences of our own actions and we are helped, invariably, by the Grace that is ever present, to overcome.

The attitude of gratitude assures us that by being aware and grateful of all our blessings and of the learning opportunities provided by the challenges in our lives, we ensure more abundance for ourselves. The principle of the universe being that you get more of what you are. So by living in the attitude of gratitude we allow the flow of positive energy into our lives.

Living life honestly is good sense and good ‘karma’. It not only means being ‘honest’ but also that one is being conscientious about doing our best in whatever role we are playing and whatever duties we need to perform. Anything less than that would be ‘dishonest’.

Since we believe that all creation is composed of the same energy with structural and vibrational differences it is only natural that we extend love and respect to all living beings. It is an extension of the Karuna we apply to ourselves. Again, not always easy! It is often difficult to remember to extend love and respect to all creatures. The temptation, very often, is to do the exact opposite! But again we can progress in this effectively by being watchful and conscious of our reactions.

All this is made easier when we have help in the form of healing systems like Reiki and with a meditation process that we use regularly. More than anything it is the desire to evolve and co-create our reality that ensures success at every stage.

Excerpt from Dr. Usui’s manuscript –

“There is a story in Buddhism about a peasant who pleased his Lord and inherited a great castle. The peasant had lived before in a one-room hut. The peasant moved into the castle. When the other Lords in the area came to visit him, they found him, his possessions in the entry Hall. They asked him why and he said that was all his family needed. To his amazement, they explained that here were so many rooms filled with treasures and objects of beauty. Simply because he had not experienced them did not mean they did not exist or that they would hold terrors for him. They showed him the means to open the shoji screens and pass from one room to another. He was amazed and filled with joy at what he saw was his. Of course most of us are that man living in our single room and not knowing the wonders that await us in the other rooms of our castle.”

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Reiki and Medicine Buddha

Reiki And Medicine Buddha

In the earlier post on Healing with Reiki , I mentioned that the system originated from the Tibetan Medicine Buddha Tantra Of Healing. The Medicine Buddha, also known as Bhaisajyaguru, has an important place in the pantheon of Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism.
He is the healing aspect or Avatar of the Buddha Shakyamuni or Gautama Buddha as we know him.
The word Tantra might be confusing since it has so many connotations. David Gordon White, author of ‘Tantra In Practice’ loosely defined it as
‘an Asian body of beliefs and practices, which, working from the principle that the universe we experience is nothing other than the concrete manifestation of the divine energy of the Godhead that creates and maintains that universe, seeks to ritually appropriate and channel that energy within the human microcosm in creative and emancipatory ways’.
In that context Tantra is a collection of rituals that seeks to attain certain abilities for the practioners. In the case of Reiki this ritual is confined to the empowerment by the Reiki Master.
Tibetan Buddhism considers the Medicine Buddha Empowerment to be ‘a most powerful blessing for healing, dispelling sickness and awakening the innate healing wisdom that lies within each individual’. The Reiki Empowerment is an adaptation of that, with the same goal. It seeks to attain, for the practitioner, the ability to access healing energy.
After the empowerment one is able to use the energy to heal oneself and others by applying the energy, which flows out through the centre of the hands, to specific chakra points.
To do this one has to merely have an intention to heal. There are no other rituals or procedures necessary. Reiki adapts to any belief system and is also complementary in that it can be used to enhance any other system of medicine and also reduce any side effects.
To understand the concept of energy healing we need to first understand our energy body and the energy circulatory system.

Our being consists of the physical body, an energy body which surrounds it, referred to as the Aura, energy centers or the Chakras, and energy channels or meridians known as Nadis. The study of the energy system is vast and complex but a basic understanding is all that is needed here.

The Aura, also known as the ‘subtle body’, surrounds the physical body and any external energy passes through it before it reaches us. It acts as a protective layer and a healthy Aura is said to have the ability to dispel any negative energy that comes our way. The health of the Aura depends on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual processes. Physical exercise, positive mental emotional attitudes and spiritual activities like prayer, meditation etc, ensure a healthy Aura. Negation of the above causes the energy of the aura to deplete. Energy healing, in this case Reiki, also helps in ensuring a healthy Aura. There has to be a combination of all of the above for optimum health. None is more important than the other. Reiki and meditation help in fostering positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle. But we need to have complete commitment and a desire to heal ourselves for any of this to work. Half hearted attempts will definitely not yield results.

Another component of the energy body is the Chakra system. The first mention of Chakras is found in the Upanishads and these Vedic models were adapted into Tibetan medicine. They are best described as energy centers or energy nodes. While they are often depicted as flat discs at specific points in the body or just outside the body, they are actually more like funnels spiraling out from the body. They are in constant motion and energy is sucked in and released through them. Any stagnation in the motion of the chakras causes imbalances in health. This stagnation is caused by the same reasons that cause the depletion of the Aura. The chakra positions correspond to the endocrine system or the glandular system in the physical body. There are seven main chakras which are positioned just above the seven main glands. They affect the health of the glands and in turn the organs which are governed by the glands. Apart from this physical aspect they also govern mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. Each Chakra is in charge of certain aspects. Therefore holistic health depends on the health of the chakras. When any one chakra is affected this imbalance is transferred to the other chakras through the Nadis or Energy channels.

Reiki energy is effective for healing and balancing the Chakras and clearing the Aura thereby ensuring holistic health. Regular application of the energy results in transformation and self growth. We learn to let go of unnecessary thoughts and emotional tangles and incorporate positive lifestyle changes. All it requires is about half an hour a day. We can invest at least that much time on ourselves!

Holistic Healing With Reiki

In a world where people are trying to make some sense of the chaos around them it is only natural that they search for tools that will help them do so. Man’s instinct for survival makes him search for something which will ensure that he does not sink without a trace into the bog of stress and confusion that surrounds him. Therefore it is not surprising that we find a vast number of alternate therapies available which help us lead balanced and harmonious lives. We call these therapies “alternate”now but there was a time when these were mainstream systems in specific cultures, but as life became convoluted and complex nobody had the time and patience for them. This was mainly due to the fact that holistic healing methods were usually lifestyle based. It was not a question of popping a pill and getting on with the task at hand. There were rules and codes of conduct to follow. Life had to be lived in a certain way. These systems did not deal with the physical body alone, they were “holistic” a word derived from the Greek word ‘Holos’ which means ‘the Whole’. They dealt with the whole being, which include spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects. All these aspects had to be balanced and healed before we achieved not only physical but also mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing which then translated into a harmonious life. It was a package deal, there was no separating one from the other and so it follows that people moved away from them to other systems where they did not have to put in as much time, effort, and more importantly, thought into their own healing. We gave up the responsibility of looking after ourselves and creating a healthy, integrated life. We started becoming dependent on others for our well being. As society is made up of individuals and the world at large of societies, chaos followed this relegation of responsibility. And now we suffer the consequences.
But having said that I need to point out that we are really not in a position now to go back completely to any thing that will mean drastic life changes. What we need now is something that we can incorporate into our existing way of life which will fine tune it and do away with negative aspects and reinforce the positive ones. Most Holistic Therapies have, thankfully, been adapted to present needs and lifestyles which means that we can adopt them without turning our lives upside down, which would only add to the existing stress levels! We also have a system of mainstream medicine to support us in case of need. One does not exclude the other. So it’s time to take responsibility again.
Reiki is one of the many alternate therapies available to us now. An adaptation of the Tibetan Medicine Buddha system, the beauty of Reiki lies in it’s simplicity. The founder, Dr Mikao Usui, studied the Tibetan method and adapted it to his native Japanese Buddhist practices, naming it Reiki. It was then further simplified by the Western Reiki masters to fit into our present day lives. In the process Reiki has become secular and is now practiced by people of varying belief systems. There is definitely the concept of a higher power but no specific prayers or rituals to follow except the initial attunement done by the master to enable the practioners to access the healing energy. Reiki translated from Japanese means Universal Life Force Energy. It is a combination of the words ‘Rei’, meaning universal or spiritual and ‘Ki’ ,which means life force energy. Ki is synonymous to ‘Prana’ in Sanskrit and ‘Qi’ in Chinese. When Ki is depleted health is eroded. For optimum health we need a good supply of Life Force Energy. Reiki provides us with an ever present supply of Universal Energy to ensure Holistic health. There is a clearing of blocks in every aspect of our lives. Harmony and Abundance follow.
Life changes occur in the course of Reiki Healing. This is because, very often, our external circumstances are governed by our mental and emotional blocks and conditioning. Once we clear these off with the healing energy our lives start changing for the better. This happens gradually and when you look back after a period of time the changes will be very obvious.
For optimum healing to take place it is important to focus the energy on negative aspects in ourselves that are causing the problems. We need to do some serious soul searching and realize what it is in ourselves that we need to change. Not a very pleasant exercise but completely worthwhile because once we know what to work on the healing is much faster.
To start healing with Reiki one needs to be attuned to the energy by a Reiki master. Reiki then flows out through the palms when needed. All that is necessary for the energy to flow is the intention. The palms are then placed on specific points on the body. These points correspond to the chakra system which was used in ancient Indian healing systems. To understand how Reiki works we need to understand the chakras in some detail.