Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reiki For Your Intentions,Goals And Desires.

This outward spring and garden are a reflection of the inward garden.
Mevlana Rumi

What Rumi means is; whatever goes on inside you is reflected in your external circumstances. When our emotions and thoughts are unsullied and clear; when we are not in turmoil; when right thought and right action prevail ; our external circumstances match that inner gloriousness. When we live with a feeling of abundance and joy, abundance and joy come into our lives. This is where 'Attitude Of Gratitude' comes in! The universe gives us more to be grateful about! There's more about this in the section on the FIVE REIKI PRINCIPLES.

Having said that, Reiki is often used to energise and manifest goals and desires. There are specific techniques taught in a Level Two class that deal with this. But, of course, the small print says that our goals and desires manifest ONLY if they are what we need and deserve at this point and ONLY if they do not interfere with the larger good of everybody and everything else; which makes huge sense!

To give Reiki to your Goals and Desires, write them down on strips of paper, fold them and draw the Symbols on the back. Give Reiki to these for about five to ten minutes a day. Have a box in which you can keep these slips and Reiki the whole box for about ten minutes a day!

Use a clear quartz crystal and after cleansing and energising it with Reiki and the Symbols, programme it to send energy to the intention. You can keep the slip of paper underneath it!


While these tools are specific to Level Two I always encourage my Level One students to do this without the symbols. Reiki is from the highest source and so there's no reason to assume that it will not work without the symbols.

Another thing to watch out for with desires and goals is not to cling to them. The best way to block a desire from manifesting is to think about it 24/7 and imagine that your happiness depends on it. Never going to happen.

Take a tip from the new James Bond.He says he doesn't care if his martini is shaken or stirred! He doesn't even care if it isn't a martini! Now that's non clinging for you. :)

But have fun with the intentions! Just remember though; true joy has nothing to do with anything external.

Friday, November 24, 2006



Avalokiteshwara is the Buddha of Compassion.

'Karuna,' in Sanskrit, means Compassion. Karuna Reiki is a system of Reiki that was created by Reiki Master William Rand as a result of his extensive work and research with healing methods. During his many years of practice he came across various systems and symbols that were being used by healers. He studied the systems and worked with the energy levels of the different healing symbols and incorporated the ones he found to have the best energy and formulated an attunement process by which one could access these symbols and use them in healing. He called the new system Karuna Reiki. The method of healing is the same as in Usui Reiki with the additional use of Karuna Reiki symbols.

In his own words ‘I did not originally intend to create a new system of Reiki, but starting about 1989, I began being given non-Usui Reiki symbols and attunement techniques which were claimed to have benefit. I filed these symbols away along with the attunement processes that were included with some of them and also began experimenting with some of them. After a number of years, I had quite a collection and many of my students began asking me about these "additional symbols" and wanting to know if they should use them. In the winter of 1993, I gathered together a number of my best students, many of whom were spiritually sensitive, to experiment with the additional symbols, try them out and decide which were the most useful. We asked for guidance and through this process came up with a set of symbols that seemed to have the best energy. We also experimented with an attunement process to go with them. Later I was guided in the further development of the attunement process and this eventually evolved into a new system of Reiki. Throughout the process, I prayed for help from the Higher Power and asked that I be connected to a healing energy that would be of greater benefit. I did not channel any of these symbols myself. They came from other Reiki masters. In 1995, I was guided to more clearly define the system and to name it Karuna Reiki® which can be defined as the Reiki of Compassion. While some of the symbols in Karuna Reiki® are the same as those used by other schools and systems, because the attunements are different and the intention is different, the energies that are connected to Karuna Reiki® are unique to the system

‘Karuna’ is an important concept in most spiritual systems. Buddhism considers it a prerequisite for Satori or Enlightenment. ‘Karuna’ is compassion and as we develop it we find ourselves more in tune with the universe. Healing comes naturally. We see oneness in all of creation.

Karuna Reiki is not a substitute for traditional Reiki. In fact it is taught only to level two practioners of Usui Reiki and the Karuna Reiki mastership is given only to Usui Reiki masters.

There is a definite difference to the feel of both the energies. Karuna feels softer and more enveloping but the healing is deeper with a combination of both systems. There is a faster and more concrete spiritual growth which I think is the ultimate purpose of any holistic healing system.

There is also more self growth as energy blocks surface and clamour for attention! As we deal with these and clear them off with healing we experience many changes in ourselves and life situations. We are forced to look more deeply at issues that are causing stagnation in our development and work more diligently at cleansing and healing with faster and more concrete results. Working with issues of self growth is not always comfortable but with Karuna Reiki we are able to look at ourselves with compassion and see clearly what we need to clear off and what to bring into our lives. By incorporating Karuna Reiki with Traditional or Usui Reiki we are that much more empowered. And I think that right now we need all the help we can get!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


This is an alter I have at home. I light a candle in front of the Buddha intending that the entire house be filled with positive energy.The candle holder is a Himalayan Rock salt crystal. More on the benefits of these crystals at
.There's a Tibetan singing bowl on it. (on your right) It produces a healing sound when it is played; that is also energising for the chakras. So does the Tibetan hand bell.(on your left)

For more on Tibetan Singing Bowls go to-